Annual Appeal

The Annual Appeal is the major source of funding for our Tuition Assistance Program. Instituted in 2008, St. Joachim School has raised over $150,000 to assist families in need who would desire a Catholic Education for their children. The Annual Appeal truly shows that if all of us do just a little, together, we can accomplish a lot. Many have supported the Annual Appeal including almost 100% of the St. Joachim school staff, parish staff, school families, alumni and parishioners. We thank all who have contributed for their generous contributions. We were able to help over 50 families for the 2009-10 school year. Funds from the annual appeal were especially critical in aiding those families that found themselves in crisis due to layoffs.
Once again we turn to our friends in the community to help in a worthwhile cause that will directly impact many families in our community. We ask for your prayers and for your participation in St. Joachim School’s Annual Appeal. We hope you will help us “TAP” into the community to provide this much needed financial support. Please fill out the enclosed pledge card and return it to us at your convenience. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
The Need
Currently 1/3 of our families are receiving some form of tuition assistance from the school or outside sources. Several of these families are still at risk since their assistance can be as little as 20% of the total tuition. The need continues to grow as less and less families are able to afford a Catholic education.
The Goal
This year’s goal is $75,000. We are reaching out to school families, parishioners, alumni, business leaders and foundations for support. Proceeds raised this year will be used for the 2010-2011 school year.
How To
You can choose your method of payment and schedule of payments. Choose a flat donation or make monthly payments. Pay by check, cash or by credit card.
Please fill out the enclosed pledge card, that is part of this brochure, and return it to us in the pre-addressed envelope at your convenience. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.