Parent Volunteer Program
Give Us 5!
Would you give just 5 hours of your time over nine months if you knew it could help your child be more successful in school? Research has shown that parent involvement in a child’s education is the single most important predictor of a child’s success. In addition to working with your child at home, volunteering at school is a great way to be involved. Children who see their parents volunteer at school, have less incidents of social and behavior problems. Most importantly, your children learn from your example of giving service to to others!
St. Joachim encourages parent volunteerism through a program called, “Give Me 5!” If each family was able to give just 5 hours of their time each year to support school and classroom activities, we would have over 1250 hours of parent hours spent improving our school. Especially in these difficult times, if we all do a little, we can accomplish so much together. Parents have a variety of skills and knowledge that can benefit the school community. In the past, parents have shared their skills to help paint, remodel, do electrical work, and many have given their time to help teachers in the classroom or to help in the office. Maybe you have expertise in graphic design, marketing, development, accounting, etc.? A few hours could go a long way in helping St. Joachim School!
While we do ask each family to work at our school festival in May and to help with one class sponsored social event during the year, the rest is up to you! We know that together we can accomplish so much for our students. St. Joachim has always had a strong tradition of volunteerism and a parent involvement from the very beginning of its history when volunteers built the school. Please continue to give generously of your time and talents for the benefit of all our students.
Volunteer Opportunities

- Serving on PTG or School Board
- Sharing contractor skills for building projects
- Chairing an event for the school
- Helping with health testings
- Working with the office on mailings or data input
- Helping with marketing or development
- Doing projects for teachers, classrooms
- Chaperoning field trips