Student Learning Expectations
Faith-Filled People
- Understand and demonstrate stewardship in church, school, and community
- Are knowledgeable of scripture and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church
- Show knowledge of ritual through active liturgical participation
Life-Long Learners
- Demonstrate effort and growth toward academic goals
- Work collaboratively and cooperatively with others
- Use technology effectively and responsibly
Effective Communicators
- Listen actively and express ideas, feelings, and needs in a thoughtful, respectful manner
- Write thoughts in a clear and organized manner
- Speak publicly with confidence and clarity
Responsible Citizens
- Contribute positively to their school community
- Exhibit respect for self, others, and things
- Practice stewardship of God’s Creation
Self-Aware Individuals
- Are physically active and knowledgeable of good health habits
- Are able to recognize strengths and weaknesses and express their individuality
- Recognize individual gifts and talents and share them in service to others